Sexual abuse of Nyack baseball players, as well as non-baseball-playing minors in the Nyack/Valley Cottage community, occurred from at least 1991 through 2007.
In response, former Nyack baseball players came together to support the truth and one another. They were able to communicate what they saw and experienced across eras. In the process, an informal collective called the Nyack Baseball Alumni for Truth, Transparency & Support was created.
With support from the School Board, the group of former baseball players established a new scholarship for the benefit of graduating seniors. We need your help to create a brighter future for Nyack students and to build a legacy that the Nyack Baseball program can be truly proud of.
The Diamond Award for Courage, Character & Community Service is a direct response to the efforts of Nyack Baseball Alumni for Truth, Transparency & Support, an informal collective of former Nyack High School baseball players. This scholarship initiative not only acknowledges the importance of addressing past injustices but also celebrates the positive contributions and values upheld by past, present, and future generations of Nyack student-athletes.
The Diamond Award for Courage, Character & Community Service will recognize one graduating Nyack High School baseball player and/or one graduating Nyack High School softball player annually. Recipients will be chosen based on their exemplary commitment to academic excellence, community leadership, demonstration of courage in the face of adversity, and financial need.Our goal is to raise enough to grant this annual scholarship indefinitely. Outside of a small and unavoidable fee to MyPaymentsPlus, all donations will go directly to the scholarship account held by the Nyack Public School District.
THANK YOU for considering a donation to support both the healing process and the Scholarship Fund.
You can donate directly to the Scholarship and receive a tax deduction. It requires a few minutes of sign up. The School District does not accept donations via other platforms like GoFundMe.
To donate via MyPaymentsPlus,
(1) click the donate button below (2) click Register Now (3) select New York state and the Nyack Public Schools from the dropdown menu and complete your account registration (4) select Events & Activities on the lefthand navigation bar and click the Diamond Scholarship (5) proceed to checkout
Please use the contact form below if you have any issues or questions with this process.
(thank you to everyone for contributions of any amount)
$1000+ HR LEVEL
Q: How widespread is child sexual abuse?
A: It's estimated that about 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 20 boys experience sexual abuse before the age of 18.
Q: Who perpetrates child sex abuse?
A: Someone known and trusted by the child or child's family perpetrates sexual abuse in an estimated 91% of cases.
Q: What are statute of limitations and how do they affect survivors of child sex abuse?
A: Most survivors miss the statute of limitations for obtaining justice and criminal prosecution because trauma often delays their disclosure of abuse until they are older. Studies show that more than half of child sex abuse survivors first disclose their abuse at age 50 or older. Boys, on average, take longer than girls to come forward.
More resources are linked below that help individuals, families and communities reduce the stigma around discussing past or potential abuse, as well as to identify and prevent abuse.